Dmo Etruskey: Sea all year round

An important training opportunity aimed at those who carry out tourist activities in the territory of Southern Etruria.

On Thursday 13 April 2023 from 10 to 13.30 the Castle of Santa Severa, a space of the Lazio Region managed by the regional company LAZIOcrea, will host the free event with free admission Mare all year round, the first of four training events strongly desired by the DMO Etruskey and edited by Mylia – Adecco (one of the associates of the DMO).

Through testimonies and experiences in the field, participants will be able to follow a path to enhance their knowledge, dedicated to the development and enhancement of technical-management skills in the tourism chain, especially with a view to seasonal adjustment.

The Sea all year event will be coordinated by the Destination Manager Stefano Landi and by Ermanno Bonomi, Sociologist of tourism, university professor, Director of the Florence and Pisa tourism agency, Director of tourism in the Tuscany Region, Network Manager Tourist, Founder of the Sports Tourism Exchange (BTS) and of the Buy tourism Online (BTO), Destination Manager in numerous

projects, expert in web marketing and event organization.

Testimonial Claudio Fantini, owner of the renowned “Spiaggia Fantini” in Cervia-Milano Marittima and the connected hotels, will be present. He introduced sport on the beach, devising among other things the Sportur system and the “Fantini Club”. Animator of international sporting events, organizer of corporate events and thematic meetings with the greatest protagonists of Sport.

The event will continue in the afternoon with a session open only to Etruskey DMO members.

The DMO Etruskey Association, born with the contribution of the Lazio Region and made up of 12 Municipalities and 34 private entities, work together systematically and continuously to promote tourism in southern Etruria.